vendredi 27 avril 2007

Luigi Serafini : Exhibition in Milano

For the 25th publication anniversary of the Codex, an exhibition of Luigi Serafini artwork is held in Milano, starting May 10th to June 17th.

Among various paintings made by Serafini, and hundred of the original Codex pages will be presented to the public, for the first time.

Coppia di Hirundòmani mostra all’autorità competente il permesso di soggiorno nel PAC, 2007

Links :

Image gallery :

mercredi 7 février 2007

In Search of Lost Time

The only readable text on the whole Codex are a few words in french on 2 plates in the 6th chapter " human (well.. seraphinian ?) anatomy, ethnology & anthropology "

On the first plate, the text is "fille orgiaq-ue surgie et devinée, le p-remier jour, s-ur la digue d-e Balbec".

A rapid search on a few digital librairies told me this quote comes from a book by the french writer Marcel Proust : "A la recherche du temps perdu : Albertine disparue" ( In Search of Lost Time : Albertine gone). In fact, the scattered words on the ground, also come from the following sentences in the same book, as shown on this image :

Later, I've been told that Cecilia Raba noticed this reference on her weblog ; she made a wonderful analysis on her post : "Una chiave per il Codex Seraphinianus".

In the second plate, the writer have been murdered, and a few other french words can be read on teared sheets of paper :

"statuaire .... liade-souven(ir?)... voici encore :", "...urel (naturel, surnaturel, culturel ?) yeux baissés"
I checked many online french books, but I have not been able to find any exact reference yet.

The whole text for Proust "Albertine disparue" can be found there :

mardi 6 février 2007

Links about the Codex

- Codex Seraphinianus on Wikipedia(en)
- the Unofficial Codex Seraphinianvs website : essential reading
- Seraphinians, on : one of the only active community discussing the Codex
- Politica Online forum : active Italian forum thread

- Diario of Cecilia Raba fascinated by the work of her friend Luigi Serafini
- Codex Seraphinianus, Hallucinatory Encyclopedia : in depth article by Peter Schwenger
- Visionary or Hallucinatory Encyclopedia?
- Another Green World : great article by John Coulthart
- Giornale Nuovo : How I found the Codex and Pulcinellopedia : another illustrated book by L. Serafini

Codex Analysis & Deciphering theories :

- A wiki with the most complete analysis so far (follow this link for user/pass)
- Codex Seraphinianus: Some Observations : structure of the text, page number systems by Ivan A. Derzhanski
- A Study of the Codex : promising analysis, work in progress
- The Codex Seraphinianus Mystery has finally been solved : not very convincing...

Links about Luigi Serafini

Here are the links about Luigi Serafini and his artworks, I gathered during the last few days :

His official website

A page with a biography and many paintings

Other artworks by Luigi Serafini :
- La famiglia GommItaly
- Interno rustico, ove si lavora e si produce

On Studio Plastikart website :
- Cowburger in Love
- L'universo è Cerveste!
- Lady C or Lady C
- GomItaly
- galgallina con il carrozzino etruxco
- galgallina - colombe
- cornici
- "carrozzino etruxco" robotizzato
- ellissi

Interviews with Luigi Serafini :
- Scuola di scrittura Omero
- Armando Adolgiso and another page (27/12/2006)

Audio Interviews on Rai Radio3 :
- About Escher (28/10/2004)
- About Paul Klee (27/10/2005)
- About Gauguin & Van Gogh (02/01/2006)
- About the Codex (31/01/2006)
- About the new Rizzoli edition (10/01/2007)

The Codex Seraphinianus

25 years after its first publication, I discovered the Codex Seraphinianus a few weeks ago thanks to an affordable new edition by Rizzoli :